Devnet Process
The OP Labs team maintains two parallel devnets. Protocol upgrades promote from one network to the next, until they are eventually deployed to our production Sepolia testnet. The devnets are:
- Alphanet: Contains production-bound protocol upgrades that will be scheduled in some upcoming hardfork. All updates are active at genesis. The purpose of this devnet is to deploy protocol upgrades earlier, and to decouple deployment from hardfork scheduling. Protocol upgrades must be deployed on Alphanet before being deployed on the Betanet.
- Betanet: Contains production-bound protocol upgrades that will be scheduled in the next hardfork. Upgrades are activated after genesis using hardfork timestamps. The purpose of this hardfork is to validate the upgrade process, and solidify the scope of a hardfork before activating it on our production testnet. Protocol upgrades must be deployed on the betanet before being deployed on testnet.
The Alphanet is deployed on a monthly basis. The Alphanet will be redeployed even if there are no changes to prevent a devnet from becoming someone’s production network. The Betanet is deployed on an ad-hoc basis when we’re ready to cut the next hardfork, and will persist until the next Betanet is cut.
About This Site
This site contains documentation and network configuration information for all devnets. Network documentation is
generated from the chain manifest files in the alphanets
and betanets
directory. See
the source for more information.